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How To H.A.L.T. Your Dragons


Never be hungry because you may become weak,
...and your Dragons can sneak upon you!

Never become angry because you will become vulnerable.

Never feel lonely: look for a way to be distracted.

Never let yourself become tired. Naps are good!
...Most importantly: Sleep as often as you can!

Do these things and you will slay your Dragons!

~ Based on notes I took of the coaching tips using this acronym: HALT which was presented in a seminar video at the Portland VA in 2005. I participated in a Stop Smoking program* offered to veterans at the time. I don't remember the elaboration that they gave with these Bolded Bullet Points, but I wrote the other parts of this code for living... for abandoning one's addictions... one's habits... It worked for me, of course, I had some other helpers and my military discipline... But I believe these tips help. I wrote these elaborations as encouragement to my youngest daughter as she works on improving her life.

I'm happy I was able to take part in the research that was talk therapy with classes and scheduled meetings with a therapist. She took my oxygen levels and my weight during these sessions that spanned 18 months. But, there was another option. An option that was mostly just prescription medication. The drug prescribed was Chantix. I don't care much for taking these sort of meds, so I didn't choose that option. I'm glad I didn't. ~~Bridget E. Smith, 2012

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